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Writer's pictureNicole Luongo

Hello from our new website!

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Over the past year, many changes have taken place not only with our non-profit but all over the world. Although this year has been a struggle for many people near and far, I remain hopeful that with each day, we are closer to a better tomorrow.

You may find yourself asking, "who is Breast Case Scenario, and why am I seeing this?". The short answer is that we’ve changed our name from Breast Intentions to Breast Case Scenario! Your next thoughts are most likely "why, why now, and what does this mean for me?". I would like to be completely transparent in regards to all these questions:


Shortly after our 2019 fundraising event, I was notified that we must stop using the name “Breast Intentions” because another non-profit was operating under that name for a similar cause. This non-profit has the legal trademarked rights to the name, and we find it completely reasonable that we can no longer operate using that name.

Why Now?

Many of you that have been by our side since day one may remember that we started out as a fundraising team under the American Cancer Society. We used the name Breast Intentions for years with no issue because we were not fundraising for our own cause. Instead, the funds we generated went directly to the American Cancer Society, and the resources were distributed as they saw fit. The “Breast Intentions” name conflict arose only after I stepped away from American Cancer Society and decided to start an independent non-profit.

What This Means For You

Nothing, but our legal name has changed. The only changes for you are related to notifications from us and donations to us. If you choose to donate to our cause, you will now need to make checks payable to Breast Case Scenario. Further, please be on the lookout for Breast Case Scenario updates and events! We may have a new name and new look, but our mission remains the same!

Over the past year, I’ve worked with an awesome team at Northeastern University’s IP CO-LAB that helped me obtain a trademark for our new name (which is so cool). In addition to working with Northeastern on the trademark, we have worked with the PARLR Brand Studio who helped us rebrand and update our “look”! While all this was happening, we were still able to provide assistance to women in our community fighting breast cancer. We have provided grocery gift cards, wigs, and made a donation to Dana Faber Cancer Institute (and more)! We are so excited to continue to fundraise and help women fight this disease all over our community.

Unfortunately, due to the current global pandemic, we are not able to hold our annual event at John Brewer’s Tavern. We are counting down the days to when we can safely host our next in-person event.

We are so very grateful for the continuous love and support of our friends, family, co-workers and community. None of this would be possible without the ongoing dedication to the cause that so many have provided to us for the past nine years. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We look forward to seeing everyone very soon!

Yours truly:

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