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Your donation is the foundation of our goals, hopes, and dreams. 

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We never took life, family or health for granted but after a cancer diagnosis, life never seems to be the same. No one person whether the patient, caregiver or family member is ever quite the same. Each dealing with the diagnosis differently, we all found our own ways to become involved.


For us, what started as a breast cancer diagnosis quickly became a way of life for our entire family. 

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In 2012, Breast Intentions became a fundraising team under American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Raising nearly $65,000.00 towards the cause and years of fundraising events, it was finally time to begin a new fundraising journey. In 2018, Breast Intentions became its own 501(C)(3). After our 2019 fundraiser we learned that in order to continue or efforts we would need to change our name and Breast Case Scenario was put into place. And although our name has changed, our mission and impact on our community will continue.


our inspirations are all those fighting the brave fight. And at Breast Case Scenario, we are here to support YOU. 

Here's what we've been able to do so far...

Donation of wigs and supplies to women in need

Image by Allie

Hair styling services to women in need

Image by National Cancer Institute
Wigs on Display
Image by Scott Warman

Donations to Dana Farber Cancer Institute Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancer

Grocery store gift cards

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